Summer Camp

Treehouse Learning 2024 Summer Camp Information and Pre-Registration

The summer learning experience at Treehouse Learning Summer Camps is oriented around nature-based outdoor experiences, including gardening, educational outreach visits, and local field trips for older children, as well as a fun arts-focus with experiential instruction in visual arts, musical arts, creative movement, cooking, STEM exploration, and more!

Our goal is to provide a fun, enriching, stimulating and safe environment for your child, as well as peace of mind and flexibility for families.

Ready to sign up now?

Please fill out the Summer Camp Interest Form

Haven't decided yet?

Keep reading to learn more!

  • Camp Hours

    Summer Camp hours are M-F between 9am-4pm with before/after care available between 7:30 am – 5:30 pm

  • Incoming K-3 children

    Two distinct Summer Camp programs based on age (Kindergarten and 1st-3rd grades)

  • Affordable pricing options

    Tiered pricing available with affordable options based on family needs

  • Meals & Snacks Included!

    Chef-prepared lunch featuring a diverse & nutritious menu, plus 2 snacks, even lunches on field trip days!

  • Quality Program with Professional Educators

    Summer Camp program educators are dedicated Early Childhood Professionals committed to Treehouse Learning’s quality standards and values for play-based education

  • Educational Outreach

    In-house educational outreach visits and nature-based outdoor education throughout the summer, including cultural presentations, gardening programs, musical visits, and more!

An adult and a group of children point and look out over a wildlife wetland
City of Lafayette Open Space Coordinator Martin Ogle leads Treehouse Learning summer camp children in a nature exploration at Waneka Lake's Greenlee Wildlife Preserve
  • Creativity & Fun Focused

    Weekly art instruction and creative arts projects with Montessori-based artist, physical ed/creative movement with Mountain Kids Gymnastics and Dance, Music classes with Center for Musical Arts, and more!

  • Indoor & Outdoor Learning Environments

    Dedicated outdoor classroom with age-appropriate games, activities, and learning explorations

  • Garden-to-Table Gardening Fun!

    Unique garden-to-table programs include a community-supported gardening curriculum for hands-on experiential learning and interactive nutrition!

  • Nature-Based Outdoor Learning

    Outdoor learning and activity centers and nature-based inspiration on outdoor playgrounds and in surrounding campus wildlife habitat

  • Field Trips

    Weekly offsite community-based field trips for 1st-3rd grade children to local Lafayette attractions on foot and by bus

Schedule and Pricing

Weekly Available Sessions

Session Dates Holiday Closures/ Notes Weekly Pricing Options
Week 1 June 3-7   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 2 June 10-14   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 3 June 17-21 Juneteenth $300 / $350
Week 4 June 24-28   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 5 July 1-5 July 4th $300/$350
Week 6 July 8-12   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 7 July 15-19   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 8 July 22-26   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 9 July 29- Aug 2   $375 / $450 / $525
Week 10 Aug 5-9   $375 / $450 / $525

  • Read about 2023 Summer Camp on the Blog

Partial Discount

Option 1

  • Single parents 
  • Educators
  • Families with siblings already enrolled at Treehouse Learning full-time
  • Current Treehouse Learning enrolled families
  • Additional discounted rates upon availability for non-Treehouse Learning families

Before /after care and meals + 2 snacks included

Value Plan

Option 2

  • Families who need 6-10 weeks of care

Before /after care and meals + 2 snacks included

Partial Summer

Option 3

  • Families who need 1-5 weeks of care

Before /after care and meals + 2 snacks included

More camp details...

Summer Camps will be offered in two distinct age-based groups

Incoming Kindergarten students and Incoming 1st-3rd grade students will be grouped in age-appropriate cohorts and gather in different classrooms

Incoming Kindergarten Students in Evergreen or Forest Classrooms

Incoming currently enrolled Kindergarten students will be the oldest cohort in an existing and established mixed-age preschool setting (perfect for rising Kindergartners who will transition to being amongst the youngest students in a learning setting!) with dedicated professional Preschool teachers.

The summer learning activities are based on our Montessori and Reggio Emilia-inspired approaches to child-directed, play-based learning experiences in a prepared and purposeful environment with skilled educators facilitating and guiding learning. During the summer months, much of our learning transitions to outdoor classrooms and learning environments, effectively inviting children into immersive learning experiences that support the development and academic preparation of the whole child in a joyful and playful way.

Incoming 1st-3rd grade students Summer Camp in River Classroom

  • Incoming 1st-3rd grade students will attend camp in our River Classroom, an elementary-age classroom licensed for up to 15 students with 1 primary teacher and several support teachers
  • Activities geared toward a mixed-age cohort of students based on maturity and development
  • Off-site, weekly full-day field trips by public bus celebrating local Lafayette and Boulder County community attractions (i.e. Lafayette Fire Station, Festival Plaza’s Splash Pad, WOW! Children’s Museum, Lafayette Public Library, The Collective Community Arts Center, local playgrounds, parks, Waneka Lake, Greenlee Wildlife Preserve, and much more!)
  • Off-site, weekly walking field trips to Waneka Lake and neighborhood nature walks

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