
Wear Your Imagination: The Intersection of Creativity, Sustainability, and a Growth Mindset

Wear Your Imagination! The week of October 30-November 3rd is our annual Treehouse Learning Dress up Week, something we coin, “Wear Your Imagination!” Let’s get creative and wear interesting, creative, and thoughtful things all week long! (But always things that 

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“Culturally Divisive” Topics, or Social-Emotional Learning as the Foundations of Democracy

This week, we received a great question from one of our parent feedback surveys that we thought would make an excellent blog post. The question was: How does Treehouse Learning teach socially or culturally divisive subjects? First, we don’t actually 

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Water is Life: Everywhere the Water Flows, We Can Plant a Tree to Grow…

Our own backyard here in Boulder County is the direct connection to our approach to water at Treehouse Learning and as residents of the Front Range Water Shed. At the Western Edge of the county in an area now known 

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Ways of Learning: Mixed-Age Classrooms

Mixed-age learning environments are all around us, and we naturally experience them from birth. Mixed-age setting provides a group atmosphere resembling family life more closely than the highly regimented institution of our schooling system. At home, at work, in families, 

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