February 24

Good afternoon Evergreen families!

This week in Evergreen we finished our theme about diversity, and discovered so many things to celebrate about being unique. We all look differently, talk differently, and enjoy different foods, games, and stories. The children also discovered there are many things people like that are all the same. We all like when people treat us with kindness. Many people like hugs, high fives, and encouraging words. Every day the kindness tree gets more leaves as the children practice doing kind things for people in their school community.

The art project this week gave the children the opportunity to create and decorate unique fish. They had the choice of painting or decorating with sequins, feathers, or tissue paper. This project also allowed the children to practice tracing the fish stencil and cutting out the fish shape.

In music, Ms. Kathleen and a guest introduced the children to the string family of instruments. The children listened to a Cello, Violin, and Viola. During music class the children were able to try out the Cello and Violin. Ms. Kathleen also brought her guitar on Thursday, and with the children, explored the many sounds a guitar can make. They listened to the vibrations of her tuning fork, and practiced naming instruments they heard in a story.

Social/emotional meet ups are teaching the children about how to talk, listen, and respond. The children discussed how frustrating it can be when they don’t get a turn to talk, or have to wait a long time for a turn. They suggested that people should say one or two things, and then wait their turn again to allow someone else to talk.

During the month of March, the children will be learning about exercise and nutrition.

Have a great weekend!

The Evergreen Team,

Ms. Riann, Ms. Meghan, Ms. Linsdey, Ms. Suzan, and Ms. Becky

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