January 24

Dear Dogwood families,

This week in Cedar and Dogwood we focused on peace education. We read a book called The Little Book of Friendship.  This book has different pictures of animals and teaches about how to be a friend. Our book of focus this week was I Belong. This book is a fun picture book with different colors along with different ways to make people feel like they belong as part of the group. 

The children enjoyed exploring play dough this week.  They also popped bubbles, which they really had a blast with!  The children painted with different colors as well.

The children practiced skills such as sorting colors and shapes. They particularly liked pulling toys around the room. They also liked running in place.

We sang songs about peace and enjoyed dancing. Their favorite song was “The More we Get Together.” The lyrics are:  The more we get together, together, together; the more we get together, the happier we will be. ‘Cause your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends. The more we get together, the happier we will be.

Have a wonderful warm weekend full of friends and families! 

Ms. Kelsey, Ms. Jamie, Ms. Eileen, and Ms. April

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