Comprehensive Sustainability Report Available Here Did you know Treehouse Learning is a member of of both the Louisville and Colorado Green Business programs? As early childhood educators, we seek to build sustainable and resilient communities and world. In fact, Maria …
Kindergarten at Treehouse Learning Treehouse Learning first opened our full-day Kindergarten program in 2010 after the expansion of our building two years prior, when Colorado only offered half-day kindergarten options. The classroom and Kindergarten program was named “River,” which is …
Treehouse Learning has a mission to help the world thrive- and everything in it! We are guided by an educational philosophy of Whole Brain, Whole Person, and Whole Planet. This is why we are thrilled to partner with researcher, parenting …
Treehouse Learning, a longtime leader in quality Early Childhood Education in Boulder County, is now offering weekly summer camp sessions for incoming 1st-3rd grade in our River Classroom, and for incoming kindergartners! Our 2023 camp sessions were a great success, …
At Treehouse Learning we have adopted a framework for the expression of our core values called BIDES, an acronym for Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Sustainability. This values framework encompasses our core values as an organization or at the staff …
STEAM, Environmental Literacy, and Future Careers as Part of Early Childhood Education At Treehouse Learning, our curriculum integrates STEAM, as well as all academics, into nature-based learning. In fact, in our whole brain, whole person, whole planet approach, all learning …
As parents and educators, we’ve been reflecting lately on parenting challenges we face in dealing with our children’s challenging behavior in a respectful and effective way that remains aligned with our values of supporting each child’s optimal whole-person development in …
As part of our $45K award for the CIRCLE Grant, our innovative and community-based initiatives to improve resilience, equity, and sustainability in early childcare environments are focused on addressing the systemic challenges of improving workforce retention, supporting workforce preparedness, and …
In October 2022, Treehouse Learning was awarded a $45K competitive CIRCLE Grant to pursue and implement innovative solutions to make early childhood education more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. In partnership with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood, Early Milestones is …
What Does a Thriving Community Look Like? Treehouse Learning exists to help humans thrive and co-create the kind of world we wish for our descendants to inherit. We are actively and deeply invested in shaping the future. No one on …