October 7

Hello Aspen families!

This week in Aspen we discussed feelings. We began the week viewing images of expressions from other children. The children began to identify more complex emotions like frustrated, board, angry, disappointed and excited.  We read new books about feeling scared, angry and happy. We then created pumpkins with different expressions to identify a variety of emotions.

Music: Ms. Kathleen read a new story this week The Sound of Music! We learned all about copper kettles, cream colored ponies and a few of our favorite things. We danced with jingle bells and pretended scarves were bumble bees. We listened to sounds of bumble bees and sang a new song about a big ball!

Spanish: In Spanish we counted to 20 and identified two new objects plane and tree. We continued to work on our colors and songs in Spanish: The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Bueno dias and las vocals in Espanol. Children really enjoy Spanish and are beginning to say hello, monkey, table, doll and chicken in Spanish all on their own.

P.E:  Children marched on lily pads, played red leaf, red leaf falling down and pretended to be frogs hoping on curvy lily pads. They worked their core muscles today!!

Literacy: Children read a puppet book called The Little Cat. They made predictions and connections to the story. They sang a song about 5 little ducks and identified objects from the song and the story. Then then played I Spy with objects from the songs.

Next week, we will continue talking about our feelings.  Have a great weekend!

Just a friendly reminder, the weather is changing and before we know it we will see snow. Please bring your child all the necessities they will need to be outside: gloves, hats, boots, coats and snow pants. Thank you.

Ms. Candice, Ms. Megan and Ms. Claire

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