February 24

Good afternoon Cedar families,

This week the children continued their exploration of friendship by learning specific skills that promote friendship.  The children played the “Name Game,” “Ring around the Rosie,” and “Follow the Leader.”  The children practiced signing for help as well as saying “Help, please.”  During small circle the children sang “The More we get Together,” “Make New Friends,” and “You are my Sunshine.”  The children read All Fall Down, The Babies and Doggies Book, Llama Llama and the Bully Goat, and I am Sharing.

The children worked on their large motor skills when crawling through tunnels and running around cones.  The children also practiced balancing on the wood beam as well as the bubble steps in P.E. with Ms. Kira.

Practical life skills were used when the children practiced flipping their jackets, matching animals, squeezing sponges and washcloths, and washing the table.

During art, the children made a friendship mural together by taking turns with the different paint colors.  The children also used bingo dabbers at the easel.

The children explored with soapy water and sea creatures in the sensory table.  The children also practiced cutting and rolling play dough to make snakes.

During music with Ms. Kathleen the children played a triangle, shaker eggs, and danced with scarves.  Ms. Kathleen brought sounds of women and men speaking so that the children could distinguish between the voices, of course they call them mommies and daddies. 

Happy 2nd Birthday to Fletcher!


Ms. Amy, Ms. Delani, Ms. Karen, Ms. Delanie, Ms. Stevie, and Ms. Piper


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