Category Archives: Uncategorized

Summer Camps at Treehouse Learning for K-3!

Treehouse Learning, a longtime leader in quality Early Childhood Education in Boulder County, is now offering weekly summer camp sessions for incoming 1st-3rd grade in our River Classroom, and for incoming kindergartners! Our 2023 camp sessions were a great success, 

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Mixed Age Play, Social-Emotional Development and Bullies versus Leaders

While early childhood educators, families, and neighborhood play groups have long seen the benefits of mixed-age play, researcher Peter Gray weaves together the experiential with the data and research through his newest writing collaboration, Play Makes Us Human. This week’s 

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Cultivating Flexibility & Resilience, and Adaptability

As parents and educators of young children, our role is to facilitate the “goldilocks” approach in supporting learning by ensuring that the challenges children experience are neither too daunting to overcome nor too easy. Challenges, resistance, and adversity lead to 

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Pollinators: You Are Great! We Appreciate All You Pollinate!

Pollinator Week: June 19th-23rd: As if we needed a reason to celebrate pollinators! Yay, Pollinator Week! We can’t stop thinking about how much we appreciate them! At Treehouse Learning, we sing about them at Big Circle, we plant foods for 

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Treehouse Learning Welcomes Chickens!

Our flock has grown! This Spring Treehouse Learning welcomed 3 lovely feathered ladies into their new home (a custom-made coop down the back driveway). One is already laying eggs, and the other two pullets (or chickens under a year old) 

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How to Support Environmental Literacy and a Whole-Planet Mindset at Home

At Treehouse Learning, we provide early care and education with the mission of helping the world thrive, and everything in it. We learn, practice, and establish lifelong patterns for caring for our whole brains and minds, our bodies, and the 

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What does it look like to truly honor motherhood?

Once a year in May, a single day is supposedly set aside in our culture to honor and celebrate Mothers and the role of motherhood. To be a mother is simultaneously a marker of personal and social identity, a job 

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Building a Better World Through BIDES- Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Sustainability

At Treehouse Learning we have adopted a framework for the expression of our core values called BIDES, an acronym for Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Sustainability. This values framework encompasses our core values as an organization or at the staff 

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Is Cheerful Dish-Washing a Reasonable or Necessary Parenting Goal?

How do we support capable, independent, empowered, and responsible children? In our last post, we wrote about how culture impacts our parenting and explored the intersection between Helicopter Parenting, Emotional Intelligence, and a context around household chores and who (and 

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Benefits of Mixed Age Groupings

Benefits for Older (or more skilled) children Leadership opportunities! Older children become natural leaders and models Older children benefit from the opportunity to give help, teach, explain concepts to younger children, model sharing behaviors, and show greater sensitivity to the 

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