Benefits for Older (or more skilled) children Leadership opportunities! Older children become natural leaders and models Older children benefit from the opportunity to give help, teach, explain concepts to younger children, model sharing behaviors, and show greater sensitivity to the …
“If you cannot write well, you cannot think well, and if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you.” -George Orwell “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass Our values and …
Big Circle: More than just singing At its core, Big Circle is a sacred community gathering that invites our entire Treehouse Learning community of children, staff, parents, and other adults into an integrated place of positive, joyful energy. At Treehouse …
At Treehouse Learning, we support whole-person development and integration through intentional, respectful, and responsive experiences. We are a community of co-learners and believe that all learning optimally and spontaneously occurs in the context of whole-brain integration and activation, and when …
This week, Treehouse Learning was recognized by the City of Louisville as a Gold Level award winner for our participation in the Louisville Green Business Program. Treehouse Learning was recognized for our sustainability efforts in the area of energy efficiency, …
In a quality early childhood education program, mealtime is in itself a curriculum that supports our objective of whole-person development. While the quality and nutritional value of the food itself is one essential component to children’s well-being, so too is …
At Treehouse Learning, the purpose of our sexual abuse prevention and body safe policies is to create a culture of consent and bodily safety based on trust and respect. While not all children will be sexually abused, all children are …
Dear Aspen families, This week, we continued with our theme of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. During circle time, we had a continued discussion about the sun, moon, stars / planets, plus we took a look at the types of …
Hello Forest Families, This week’s focus was friendship. We read wonderful books that highlighted what it means to be a good friend and ways to deal with conflict when they arise. Preschool is a time for tremendous growth in navigating …
Dear River Families, We had a busy week in Kindergarten as we celebrated our 100th day of school and welcomed the month of February! We learned facts about Groundhogs and finished our human body projects! Activities this week included making …